About Andy Tallent

Andy is an active musician and songwriter. He has been at the piano since the age of three when he sat down at the piano, after attending a wedding, and played the Wedding March. His mom attempted to get him enrolled in piano lessons, but no one would teach him until he was five years old.

He was classically trained for fourteen years and briefly studied in college, but eventually switched majors and graduated with a degree in political science, a degree he has yet to use to this day. Thankfully, a college degree wasn’t required to continue pursuing music. He had several close calls with the elusive big break over the years, but life happened and music slipped back to being a hobby.

In late 2017, he stumbled across an article that showcased a Tennessee guitarist who was well on his way to paying off his house from streaming royalties. The music industry had made a shift in how people were consuming music, but more importantly, how music was being created. No longer did producing music require the large costs. The spark returned and a new pursuit began.

Almost exactly one year later, a Rolling Stone article about pianists making a living off of streaming was published. This article solidified the rebirth of the dream and led to the start of seriously pursuing a musical dream that has existed since childhood. Now in his 40’s, he is living proof that you are never too old to chase your dreams.

His music can be heard on streaming platforms across the globe, as well as on television. He is a composer for TV, with placements across shows on Max and Netflix. He recently made his debut on the Billboard Classical Crossover Music Chart in January, 2023. He is also the founder of Second Verses, a music nonprofit that leverages the power of music through songwriting, helping people tell their story.